Wednesday, November 11, 2009

If you dye bright red hair a dark brown will it turn out?

bleh sorry for asking so much question today. I'm doing my friends hair and we're trying to decide on color and other stuff.

If you dye bright red hair a dark brown will it turn out?

You better hope it does not.

If you dye bright red hair a dark brown will it turn out?

It will, sort of, it won't be too dark and there will still be some red showing through. I did the opposite to mine once. Some of my hair came out sort of streaky. But I have very thick hair so I might not have gotten it all the way through. That's a very drastic change.

If you dye bright red hair a dark brown will it turn out?

my friend and i tried doing that, it worked for about a week but then it faded quickly. i would go with something more subtle or go to the salon to get it done professionally.

If you dye bright red hair a dark brown will it turn out?

a medium brown color with a tint of red.

If you dye bright red hair a dark brown will it turn out?

It could be an orange color, you should definitely let the professionals do it!

If you dye bright red hair a dark brown will it turn out?

It might have brassy or red undertones. Depends how dark the brown is. If it's almost black it should cover. If you want a medium brown you should try to wash out the red hair as much as you can first. Good luck.

If you dye bright red hair a dark brown will it turn out?

yes, but it might have some red tones to it.

i'm sure it'll be lovely though.

If you dye bright red hair a dark brown will it turn out?

maybe it will sort of..

and red in the sun..

and depends on the brand.

I trust Loreals colour FERIA hair colour

and there are RED colour enchancers at the store too.

If you dye bright red hair a dark brown will it turn out?

Yes, of course; choosing a darker color will always work. (Unless it's artificial hair)

If you dye bright red hair a dark brown will it turn out?

If the color name has "golden" or "warm" in it, it has a red or gold base. If you're trying to tone down red/brassiness, use a color that is described as "natural" or "neutral". Stay within a few shades of her original color unless your friend is the dramatic sort.

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