Sunday, November 15, 2009

My friends think i'm not as confident becuz i have red hair..?

but i dont think it has anything to do with hair colour.

hardly anyone at my school has it

i havent ever been REALLY confident.

i am sometimes confident :)

My friends think i'm not as confident becuz i have red hair..?

Hair colour has nothing to do with personality. It's the same to assume skin colour has any affect on personality. Both are determined by genes that govern the types of and amounts of melinin pigments. Pigments don't affect brains or personalities. It's a load of rubbish.

It does sound like your friends might just be playing to one of your insecurities.

The most effective way to learn confidence is to fake it. When you are unsure what to say or do, when you are feeling shy about how you look or what you are wearing just hold your head high, stand up straight, and say whatever you want in a strong voice and just ignore anyone who disputes you. People will pay attention and give you respect. The more often you fake confidence the more you will come to realize that it was in you all along and the more easily it will come to you.

Give it a try. It really does work.

My friends think i'm not as confident becuz i have red hair..?

Heh, I doubt it's because of your hair colour.

Most red headed girls are really nice :)

My friends think i'm not as confident becuz i have red hair..?

confidence has nothing to do with hair color. Do well in your life and activities and try to be the best person you can be and you'll feel more confidence. It will show

My friends think i'm not as confident becuz i have red hair..?

Interesting dillema. Usually red heads are firey people. Maybe the flood gates will open one day. But do not despair, everyone has fear, its how we face up to our fears though, that portrait ourselves as being confident. Believe in yourself and your opinions. One thing I've learned is that everyone has their own opinion. And thats what makes us interesting. Our points of views are all varied. I don't think its your hair colour thats effecting your confidence though. Like I said, everyone has confidence issues sometime in their lives. Peace.

My friends think i'm not as confident becuz i have red hair..?

People just expect fire from a red headed girl, and usually get it. Although alot of kids are just shy when little. If you understand the Lucille Ball or that red head on will and grace, u get the picture. Then theres Julianna Moore, Susan Seranton, Nicole Kidman (sometimes), carrot top, minister Casey Treat. Fireballs!

My friends think i'm not as confident becuz i have red hair..?

that is the oddest thing i have ever heard. i dont think hair color has anything to do w/ it. ur personality is what exudes confidence. if u had green hair it would stand out becuz ur personality stood out. red hair is ur face see me takes a confident person to pull it off.

my hair is red also ;)

My friends think i'm not as confident becuz i have red hair..?

No its not right, red hair is so hot, and make you come in the eyes! its so eye catching.

I think red hair is just sexy :)

My friends think i'm not as confident becuz i have red hair..?

First of all- red heads arent that common. They have a nice complexion and sometimes freckles. There are alot of beautiful red heads. be comfortable with who you are. There are alot of women who pay money to be red heads. Love the skin ur in.

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