Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I have dark red hair and I'm thinking about dyeing it......?

I want to dye it a dark brown. What is a good brand that also minimizes red tones and is gentle? I want it permanent, though.

I have dark red hair and I'm thinking about dyeing it......?

gahhh same with me!!

i have like an auburn color kinda and i wanted to do something

check into under tones

that's what i want to do and it looks pretty cool too

if your guna dye it do garnier dyes they work best to get all the re d out of your hair

also, try shampoo and conditioner called black malva look it up at www.aveda.com

I have dark red hair and I'm thinking about dyeing it......?

Find a colour with "ash" in the name. It helps to neutralize red tones.

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